Driving becomes a pleasure as you start seeing the signals clearly,sportsmen and women experience a new found freedom and its easier to play their individual sport with renewed confidence.Swimming ,exercising,cooking,working,reading and all daily chores become a pleasure as they can now see clearly and don’t have to wear their glasses and contact lenses.Travel becomes a pleasure too as people enjoy the experience much more, can see the numbers on their buses and the destinations exhibited at the tube and railway stations.
In short it means that all of them have found a new found independence from glasses or sticking contact lenses in their eyes to see anything clearly. The best part being that they never ever have to wear glasses to see for distance again.LASIK eye surgery is a permanent procedure and hence the numbers usually do not come back again.
LASIK is only surface reshaping.There is no intraocular manipulation and hence it’s a safe procedure.It is Quick.10-15 mins is all it takes to make you glass free.
The newer BLADE FREE LASIK is more prcise and tissue saving too and the safety profile goes up a few notches.
LASIK eye surgery is modifiable and so in the rare case where required we can readjust the number correction.
Its economical too. If one considers the cost of a one time procedure to the recurrent cost of glasses and contact lenses for all the years,it is value for money.
In addition you can now flaunt your favourite sunglasses with ease and don’t have to bother about prescription lenses everytime you go out in thesun.
Post operative recovery is easy and relatively pain free and hence getting back to routine lifestyles and to work is quicker and safe too.
LASIK has evolved over the years and it is now a safe day care procedure which can move you from glass/contact lens dependency to a glass/contact lens free life.